Lift up your heads and see

Lift up your heads and see…

The Season is awash in light. Starlight guides wealthy kings and impoverished shepherds. Candles and menorahs light our homes; and, our communities are bathed in festive light. The light of this Advent morning awakens us, inviting us to see; moving us toward a new consciousness.

"Ignatian Lights"
Stained Glass by Fr. CA Leininger, S.J.
To see what? This great light enters the world in an ordinary child and nothing is ever the same again. It violently collides with former notions (and possibly with some of our current notions) of our relationship to God and to each other. Where we may have seen a powerful ruler, we now experience a powerful lover. Where separation and division reigned: Jew from Gentile, religious leaders from their people; chosen from banished; this incarnate light drives us toward divine
unity with all of our brothers and sisters (not simply those who believe as we do, who live as we do, who look and behave as we do). God in humanity and humanity in God; bound and committed, one never abandoning the other. An eternal “One.”

This light leads in one direction; to full consciousness; a holy authenticity. It forms us to see and accept ourselves and our sisters and brothers as we are: cherished and free, flawed yet holy; striving toward peace and unity with God and with ourselves and with each other; bathed in the nuclear love of this Christ child.

Light illuminates. It obliterates darkness. We see clearly. It reveals what is true; drives out what is false or illusion; exorcises ghosts. Light shines. It does not condemn or destroy; it warms in an unceasing embrace of unfathomable love. Despite any circumstance, event, disposition or experience, in the eternal flow of our existence, this light never abandons. Never.

Lift up your heads and see!

Author: John Sabine, Principal Gifts Officer, Advancement


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