Make of yourself a gift...

A volunteer at a soup kitchen of Mother Teresa once told this story:  An elderly woman came forward with a small bucket begging for rice for her children. Mother Teresa filled the bucket with rice from the cooked supply in the kitchen. After thanking Mother Teresa, the woman took a second bucket and poured half the rice into it before walking away. A volunteer took notice and asked Mother Teresa why she did not just fill the second bucket with rice. Mother Teresa remarked that the second container was for another family who could not make it to the soup kitchen. She said: “I did not want to deprive her of the blessing of sharing.”

This Advent I am reminded of the ways my parents emphasized the need to take our time and not rush Christmas. They taught us when were young how to anticipate the unexpected. They stressed the importance of entering Advent thoughtfully so that we would be able to share in the gift-giving and celebration with generosity and hospitality. The parable of the house built on rock in today’s Gospel echoes this importance of thoughtfully and intentionally entering into Advent - of building our homes and our lives on a strong foundation of love, compassion and forgiveness. A foundation that enables our families to be places of safety and security.

And if our families are to be places of safety and security, “mangers” where strong, loving relationships are nurtured and celebrated, Advent must be a time to move beyond the sentimentality of the season as well as the thoughtless urge to consume. We must not allow the image of “waiting for the birth of a child’ and all the celebration that comes with it to substitute for the human need to share, to forgive, to be forgiven; to bless and be blessed. This is the spirit that we should be preparing for… asking ourselves, am I myself a gift to those around me? Like the woman at the soup kitchen of Mother Theresa, who gave what little she had to share, what am I prepared to place in my “bucket of rice” to take and share with others? Beyond the usual contributions of the holiday season, what else am I bringing with me to share with others?

Lord, prepare me with a spirit of gratitude 
Manna for Others
Photo Credit: Kevin Portner '18
and awe for the blessings you have given me.

Make of me a prophet of compassion,
a herald of peace, forgiveness,
and justice where needed.
Allow me to become part of the foundation
you have begun to build so that others
may be inspired to share the fruits of selfless generosity and compassion
for all who gather at my table.
Immanuel, be with me.

Author: Keith Reese, Theology Department


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