The Journey to Consolation

Student Trip to Nicaragua
July 2017
Today's scripture reminds us of the helplessness that can occur when we do not have a clear commitment to encountering God in each moment of our lives. When we find ourselves in desperate situations, perhaps we should not be searching for signs as to how God is going to fix it or request of Him to deal with it in "our own way". Instead, as followers of Christ, we can dig deeper to develop a faith that is more personal and trusting... a faith centered on God's healing and his desire to lead us into consolation.

Rich Perry and I began our journey as friends while experiencing anguish similar to that of the royal official in today's reading. We both had a loved one who was deathly ill. As we listened to each other's heartache, we realized at the core of our mutual anguish was a desire to know that they would pull through in the end. Simultaneously, we both wanted a sign that we weren't getting - something more direct, more obvious, more immediately reassuring.

Through attentive conversation and support of one another, our commitment to rediscover God's love in our lives strengthened. We had to believe without a clear-cut sign just like the royal official had to believe without seeing. Jesus told him his son would live but did not go with him to heal his son. He had to trust as we have to trust, sometimes blindly, in God's love.

I truly believe that God placed Rich in my life at a time when I really needed someone to help make my faith stronger. We are blessed that our loved ones are now thriving. We also better understand now the way that God desires to draw near to us through new friends who are willing to share the journey and walk alongside us.

Author: Ellen Bruce, Computer Science Department


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