He is Risen!

At our last Prayer Service a group of Jesuit Students recreated what must have gone on with the Disciples following Jesus’ crucifixion. The Disciples were angry, accusatory, lost, confused, and guilty. Angry over the loss of their leader. Lost over what they should do next, even to the point of questioning whether or not they were still a group of men gathered for a purpose. Accusatory that none of them had stepped forward to try and stop what was being done to Jesus. And guilty, guilty that they were afraid to be identified as one of Jesus’s followers.

Our students did a wonderful job of capturing the feelings and actions of the Disciples. These were the people who walked, ate, and spoke with Jesus on a daily basis, and who were so very despondent after the crucifixion. That was until the miracle of Easter when the Resurrection was fully grasped.

As we read in Matthew, on Easter morning, some women went to the tomb of Jesus. An angel met them there saying, “He is not here; he has been raised, just as he said… Go quickly now and tell the Disciples”.

The Resurrection of Jesus invites us to open ourselves up to follow him with purpose. It invites us to believe again after our faith has been shaken. Easter celebrates the fact that Jesus is alive and in our midst and wants to work miracles in us the whole year through. And it is up to us to be open to this call.

At Jesuit Dallas, we are most familiar with the story of the conversion St. Ignatius where it took a cannon ball severely injuring Ignatius for him to come to Christ. Today is an opportunity for us to also return our hearts to Christ. Instead of a cannon ball, however, how much better would it be for us to come to Christ through an Easter miracle?

May God bless all of you this Easter season! 

Author: Mike Earsing, President


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