Ten months ago, I made the decision to pick up my life in New York City and move to Dallas. I left behind my family, my friends, and my 60 SqFt bedroom in Midtown (tough decision, right?). While everyone thought I was crazy to make such a drastic life change, I knew this move was right for me. I knew that God was guiding me in the right direction and creating a path for me that I would not regret.
Today’s readings remind us that God will always lead us on the path that is right for us, that following in God’s direction will always be prosperous. In life, it’s often extremely difficult to make the choice that we know is right. Life is filled with temptations, no matter your age or situation, and there’s always going to be the desire to follow those temptations. However, if we choose to follow what God knows is best for us, we will be led in the most desirable direction.
Since moving to Dallas, I have started an incredible job at Jesuit Dallas, and created countless opportunities for myself that I wasn’t sure I could do. I have been able to practice my faith stronger than ever before, and be around people who share the same beliefs as me. It has been a transformation I never knew could be so easy, and that is all because God has been there behind me every step of the way.
In this season of Advent, let us all look to God for guidance and reassurance that we are making the right choices and following the right path. We all have our journeys and though we might make some wrong turns along the way, we will be led in the right direction in the end.
Author: Joelle Abi-Habib, Advancement Gift Officer
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