Breathe in Peace

An intense anticipation floods my senses at this point in the Advent season. Finally seeing the light at the end of the semester, I have started to notice the world around me a bit more. The lights are brighter, the smells are stronger; even the cold feels colder, a little more crisp. With this excitement, there is also an overwhelming sense of gratitude for a break within reach! The funny thing is, the lights have been up for almost a month and the pumpkin spice lattes have been brewing since near the beginning of November, it’s just me who has finally come around to notice it.

And now, as I have just barely begun to enjoy the beauty of the advent season, I find myself starting to worry about Christmas Day - which family member is hosting, what are we bringing, is that family feud going to rear it’s unwelcome head again? And just like that the magic starts to dissipate and anxiety sets in. Someone once told me that “anxiety is living in the wreckage of the future.” Nothing has happened and yet, and not only are we afraid, but we’re actually living out the worst (and most unlikely) outcome!

As the second reading from Philippians reminds me: “Never worry about anything; but tell God all your desires of every kind in prayer and petition shot through with gratitude, and the peace of God which is beyond our understanding will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.”

Peace. That’s what will be able to sustain for me the beauty and anticipation of Christ’s coming if I just let it. Peace.

And so, I take a moment to step outside and breathe in a full breath of the crisp cool air, to see some twinkling lights still on in the early morning and think about what advent has become for me: a lesson in trust, patience and peace. Trust, patience, and peace encompassed in the virtue of hope. I can be grateful in whatever the outcome is because the journey has shaped me into what God and his universe is preparing me for: his Son.

My prayer is to focus on this peaceful hope that builds me up and deepens my soul, rather than on the anxiety that tries to chip away at the life giving anticipation of Jesus.

Today I am going to stop for a moment and embrace the peace that advent is offering me.

Author: Max Von Schlehenried, Science Department


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