He shall be peace

The last sentence of today's Gospel reading stands out to me the most. A gentle yet powerful reminder, especially during a hectic time of the year - “He shall be peace.” 

This is a time of the year that should be full of both peace and hope, yet it becomes hectic while trying to get all my Christmas shopping done, put up all the Christmas decorations, attend Christmas parties, and then jump in the car with our five kids for the 16 hour drive to Chicago so we can spend the holiday with my family. 

 “He shall be peace.” 

All of that is on top of my normal daily activities - working full time, making dinner for my family, getting our kids to their regular activities, etc. 

 “He shall be peace.”

I’m sure everyone can relate with their own personal challenges. Through all of this, though, we are all asking ourselves, “How do I find peace during these times?”

I have to remind myself that the answer is simple - “He shall be peace” - It is up to me, however, to be purposeful in finding His peace. Sometimes I overthink how finding His peace is possible. Instead, it is quite simple. I feel His peace when I pray in the morning - whether I pray when I first wake up or in the shower or on my way to work. I feel his peace when I’m eating dinner with my family. I feel his peace when a loved one calls just to say I love you. I feel his peace during our drive to Chicago when we are all together as a family telling stories and laughing together.

With the celebration of the birth of Jesus quickly approaching, I hope we can all stop for a moment and feel Jesus’ peace in our lives. When we are cooking a Christmas meal for 15 people, can we feel Jesus’ peace through our family members? When we are tending to an ill parent, can we feel Jesus’ peace when our parent touches our hand? When we put our kids to bed at night, can we feel Jesus’ peace in their smile?

Let us celebrate the birth of Christ with God’s simple reminder - “He shall be peace.”

Author: Maureen Miramontes, Admissions Officer


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