I will give you rest
The Lord had long promised the coming of the Savior. One who would unite all nations, all the people, Jew and Gentile, unto himself, and we see this promise fulfilled in the New Testament. As we enter into this Advent season, let us look back with joy on the fulfillment of the promise of the coming of Christ and at the same time, eagerly look forward to the second coming of Christ when he returns to His people.
In times of trouble and stress, I need to remind myself that I have a God who always keeps His promise. I need to remind myself to grow in knowledge, faith and love for the Lord. To focus on the things above and not on those things below. In doing these things, I will be drawing close to the Lord and be less affected by the ills that this world confronts me with.

This brings us back to our daily reading. The prophet Zechariah says, "So let us rejoice and sing as the daughters of Zion did at the promises of God; Let us reverence and adore God and expect the accomplishment of His work." (Zec 2: 14-17)
Author: Charlie DeLong, Head Soccer Coach
Author: Charlie DeLong, Head Soccer Coach
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