The Prophets Who Prepare Us

Both the readings for today from Malachi and the Gospel speak of someone who will lay the path for the main event. We often think we know what is supposed to happen, what the end result should be, but we are shown time and again that God’s universe has much more incredible things in store for us - things we could never even imagine or find for ourselves.

There have been one or two very significant times in my life when what I thought was meant to be ended up fading away, far out of my control. And at the time, everything I based my happiness on seemed to be stripped away. Tradition said one thing should happen (“Elizabeth’s son cannot be named John!”), experience said another; however, a quiet but powerful force lapped at the edges of my heart and tried to tell me that He hadn’t yet come - I was being prepared for Him.

The best realization is that by completely believing in the one who comes first, we give our all before “our all” is even at its fullest. It’s almost like being tricked into giving everything we have for the main event and then finding out it wasn’t the main event at all; it was a stepping stone, albeit an immensely important one.

While meditating on this scripture and reflecting on my life’s story, I came to find that the preliminary “prophets” of my life have never completely faded away, but in their new form they point at the perfection of the Messiah. They anoint Him even by their mere comparison.

I am finding more each year of my journey, that if I am truly preparing myself, I am also learning to discern and find the center of God’s continual creation in me... to be ready for Him, the One who will transform my soul.

My prayer today is that my heart will always be open to deepening my faith and spirit in preparation.

Author: Max Von Schlehenried, Science Department


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