My Light and Salvation

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?"  I love when we sing this responsorial psalm at school mass. It’s such a beautiful psalm. When seeing it written though, notice the caps…they indicate importance. And, what is more important than the LORD?

While I was contemplating the readings and psalms for this reflection, I was drawn to the phrase, “Whom should I fear?” Our focus this season is preparing for the LORD’s arrival. Whom shall I fear, well, I’m afraid of myself.

I’m afraid that, once again, I will let the preparations of the season take precedence over my spiritual preparations.

I am afraid that I will be a bit preoccupied with: 
  • what to buy for whom? 
  • do I have equal amounts of presents for each of my sons? 
  • did I get my Christmas cards out in enough time to be there before Christmas? (okay, that’s really not going to happen!) 
  • when will I begin baking? 
And the list goes on.

It might sound a bit strange, but when the boys were younger, it was easier for me to focus on my spiritual preparation for Christ’s coming. I made it a point to be sure they understood the “Reason for the Season.” We had our Advent Chain, Advent Wreath, we decorated the house. We have a small collection of Nativities from places we’ve visited and the boys and I would have fun putting them out and discussing which direction was East (every year!)…since the Magi come from the East. Of course, we did have secular decorations as well and Santa played a big part, but it just seemed easier for me to find time to pray and reflect back then.

My aim this year is to make more time for myself and my spiritual journey. I need to find the balance between preparing for His arrival and getting ready for family. I know that God doesn’t want me to shirk my responsibilities, but He also doesn’t want me to forget about my faith. I pray that we all have a blessed Advent and Christmas and hope you will pray for me as well.

(Oh, and Jesus doesn’t go in the Nativity scene until Christmas morning – and the youngest gets to place Him…so remember where you put Him!)

Author: Trisha Smith, Principal's Office


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