Paying Tribute

It was a humbling feeling to see two names that matched my own appear on the screen at the
American Family History Center on Ellis Island. With a name like Krusekopf, anyone who shares the name is related to me in some way. Along with their names on the screen, there was information that indicated these relatives immigrated from Germany in the 1860s. The details of the journey distant family members experienced so many years ago when they came to the United States are unknown to me. However, the simple fact that their story happened has changed the trajectory of my family forever. Because of them, the life I am living is possible. While at Ellis Island, I had opportunity to stand where they stood and whisper ‘thank you’. All around me, others were conducting similar searches. They were discovering and honoring those who came before them—paying tribute. Perhaps some of you have had a similar opportunity and experience.

In today’s gospel reading, the genealogy of Christ is presented. In this listing of names, we get to know the earthly relatives of Christ. Without knowing it, these faithful people were being woven together by God into an intricate family tree leading to Jesus. While it is impossible for us to know the details of each individual’s life, because of the way God used them and their stories, we are able to have Jesus Christ. The freedom, salvation, and peace that we experience through Christ is connected to these men and women who came before Him. Their stories are connected to our stories. Because of them, we have life.

By immersing ourselves in today’s gospel reading, we can discover and honor the people who came before the baby in a manger. We have an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for their contribution to the most important story of all time.

Author: Sara Krusekopf, Mathematics


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