A response of Trust

Today's blog post is a time-lapsed video from David Williams, one of our art teachers:

Here is his explanation of his art piece:
"After a reading from Jeremiah that promises “the days are coming” and a psalm which suggests that God “rescues” the poor, I was primed in this third week of advent to hear Matthew’s version of Joseph’s quandary. His is a problem to which no earthly solution exists. The passage talks about how overwhelming feelings of fear and shame necessitate a response of trust in the lord. This recurrence of “trust” in the readings pushed me towards the visual of a person falling, not in panicked chaos, but with an pensive indifference. I wanted to put the figure in a posture that imparted fear, but that also acknowledges a greater plan: stability born from instability, peace from discomfort, faith from doubt."


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