Now is the Time

Growing up in the 60’s my family basically stayed within the boundaries of the extended family. We were focused on taking care of ourselves and while we had relationships with neighbors, service in the community was generally thought of as a thing rich ladies did. 

It sounds absurd I know, yet that was reality back then for me.

I realize service has been around since the beginning of time. That is why in today’s reading, I am sad for the rich man decked out in the best his time period had to offer and yet stepping over the poor guy, Lazarus who is clearly in need of some help. I take heed to the message the gospel states, “remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented”. 

Wow! Talk about tables turning. If ever there is a time to open your eyes and see past the taking care of yourself philosophy, now is that time. Many opportunities abound in today’s woke society. The thing is, it’s easy once you say yes no matter how big or small. The feeling you get from helping someone whether it’s bringing them a meal when they are sick, helping someone move, cleaning up a lake or watching your neighbor’s kids, offering your time and giving of yourself pays off both in this life and the next.

Author: Diane Camara, Registrar


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