Looking for the Yes

I have to admit I like thinking of myself as a rules-follower. I find it refreshing to have guidelines and order that can keep me on a straight path. This is not to say I practice perfect compliance, but I do try to acknowledge when I stray and can eventually find solace in returning to an objective “playbook” that directs me toward necessary adjustments. This might be my competitive side, or perhaps my perfectionist tendency, but I am energized and challenged to practice self-discipline and self-mastery for a particular goal. For some, this will sound stark and somewhat shallow when applied to the practice of faith; for me, it is a never-ending invitation to explore and learn more about the Why’s and What’s of Christianity and salvation.

Today’s Gospel reminds us of the beauty of looking beyond rules and laws, beyond limits and restrictions. We humans often hear “no” and “don’t,” but when we look further and open our hearts, we can become more aware of what is actually there: a “YES!” As is true with the Ten Commandments, Lenten observances, sacramental norms, life issues, even our civil laws and the practice of medicine, there is so much beyond the “no.” Rules say YES to freedom, medical regimens say YES to health, self-mastery says YES to protecting our eternal souls. It is not always easy to trust rules and respect restrictions in our world of “I can do whatever feels good,” yet the message we hear from Jesus is that He came to be the fulfillment, the ultimate “yes” to the highest law: the law of love. That’s what (and who) we need to keep seeking, and His church maintains an open door to guide our path.

During this time of Lent, it seems that Jesus is making this call to love even more obvious and clear. I’m trying to get beyond only the regimen, or details of the rules, and keep my eye set on the higher message of love. What would our world look like if we all kept looking for the YES?

Author: Mindy Hatzmann, Principal's Office


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