Miracles Not Performed for Show

In this day and age, it seems like everyone is “looking” for a miracle, especially in times of need and we often ask God to give us a sign. Truth is, God never performed miracles for show and was completely disappointed when people asked for a sign. So I took a minute to find a “miracle” in my life that I did not realize was a miracle. Like all of you, I have had some sad, scary and low moments, and it was during these times that I found what I was looking for but did not realize was there. 

For me, one of my biggest miracles has been my family and how they got me through some of those rough patches. I am not talking about their love and support (even though it has always sustained me) but how they carried me and I did not recognize how much it meant. Shortly after my son was born I suffered postpartum depression and both my husband and my family stepped in to help out. At the time, all I could think of was "Will I ever get past this? Will I ever feel “normal” again? Please God send us a miracle!" Each day one of my family members would come to my house and stay with my new family. They did everything for us - cook, clean, stay up all night when our son would not sleep and then they would go to work in addition to taking care of me. 

Slowly the miracle happened. I started to feel like myself and realized the simple joy of “just being”. So many times in my life I have just taken for granted the gifts I have but now I find myself remembering what it was like not enjoying life and missing those small things like seeing a dog riding in a car and smiling, hearing a baby belly laugh, the smell of fresh rosemary, and knowing this is my “normal”. Until something like this is taken away from you, you don’t always remember it is a MIRACLE. May you always believe.

Father almighty, grant us the faith that bears all things and believes all things, that we may seek no more for signs, but be signs to others: through Christ our Lord. Amen

"I am he who will sustain you, I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you." (Isaiah 46:4)

Author: Rebecca Zink, Student Affairs Office


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