I am never alone in my fight.

If I am being honest, this blog post reflection is not finding me on my best of weeks. It seems to me that I am busier than I have been all semester and more exhausted than I have been all school year. I wish I could say that these outside factors have been easy to shake as I dive into the Word, but that would not be completely true. While I find myself struggling with distractions and fatigue, I imagine I am in good company in our community (especially when I consider all that our staff and teachers are doing to make this year run smoothly).

At times, it has felt like we are fighting some unknown, ever-changing enemy. Whether it be the Covid virus itself, the obstacles in hybrid teaching, or the struggles of feeling isolated and often overwhelmed, we all have been dealing with numerous different “enemies” throughout this year. With that in mind, as I was reading through today’s passages, the section that stood out to me the most was the Responsorial Psalm. This prayer speaks to fighting an enemy and finding refuge in the Lord – a beautiful reminder on this more challenging of weeks. While it may seem like we are all surrounded at times by more challenges than we can seemingly conquer and more “enemies” arise each week, this Psalm was a nice reminder that I am never alone in my fight. I will have this prayer on repeat this week, specifically the lines I have shared below. I hope you will find some comfort in these words as well.

“But my trust is in you, O Lord;
I say, “You are my God.”
In your hands is my destiny; rescue me
from the clutches of my enemies and persecutors.”

Author: Colleen Cox, Mathematics Department


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