Opening Our Eyes and Hearts to the Poor

Today's Gospel portrays the story of the rich man and Lazarus. It is interesting that in the story, it is the poor man who has a name while the rich man is nameless. It might be easy to disqualify ourselves from the blindness of the rich man who ignored the plight of the Lazarus; but in a very real sense all of us fall into the category of the person who is well off at least in comparison with the poor. 

How often do we ignore, pass over, and remain blind to the needs of the poor who surround us? Do we criticize those who are poor, or deaden our sensitivity to those who hunger? To what extent do we leave our comfortable environment for an environment that makes us uncomfortable? Witness the challenge of the pandemic and the February Cold invasion. Are we one of the nameless or do we listen to the prophets around us? Can we learn to listen to their calls of fairness, of succor, of time, of almsgiving?

Lord Jesus may we follow your example and notice the plight of the poor and suffering all around us. 
In your name we pray. Amen

Author: Phil Postell, S.J., School Chaplain

(photo cred: Photo by Luis Dalvan from Pexels)


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