Love of God and Neighbor

Today, in the Gospel of Mark, Christianity is distilled to its very essence: love of God and love of neighbor - so simple and yet so easily distorted. Across the spectrum of Christianity, and more importantly individual experiences, one is emphasized at the expense of the other. Further, it seems that we can emphasize one for the sake of the other. A simple example would be the “hate the sin, but love the sinner” mentality. In other words, “my love of God is so great, that I’m doing what’s best for you.” Underlying this way of thinking is normalizing a particular experience and wanting that for their neighbor. I understand the sentiment, but there is a lingering connotation of seeing my neighbor where I think they should be rather than where they are.

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” The only way to do this is to come to grips with yourself. I am a white male of Mexican descent. Son, husband, father of three daughters, a teacher, and a friend. I have hobbies. At one point an unwitting participant in system setup for me to succeed. Most importantly I’m broken. There is a sense of relief and comfort in this statement. It helps me recognize that my experience is one that is “normal” only in that it is different from everyone else’s. Admitting my brokenness requires humility and a cultivation of patience with myself. Understanding this helps me to encounter others where they are and empathize with them with that same patience. It allows me to better understand that their experience is not mine and that’s okay.

My brokenness is transformed by Christ into a strength that allows for me to see God’s likeness shining forth in them as they are, where they are. Diving head first into a relationship with Christ is how I remember that within brokenness I still have dignity. I think this is what it means to “love the Lord your God with all your heart,” in turn “love your neighbor as yourself.” From a place of brokenness.

Author: Jude Harrington, Theology Department


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