Faith, Hope, and Love

"The father realized that just at that time Jesus had said to him, “Your son will live,” and he and his whole household came to believe.  Now this was the second sign Jesus did when he came to Galilee from Judea."

Jesus had already turned water into wine in Galilee, so those living there knew of Him and His works. Perhaps that made it easier for this father to call out to Jesus to heal his son. When Jesus replied, the father called out again for Jesus to heal his son. The son was healed before his father returned home. He was healed when Jesus spoke the words. It cannot be underscored that this was not just the physical healing of the son. It was the spiritual healing of the entire household. “The man and his whole house came to believe.”

What do we do each day to remind ourselves to recognize the miracles and answered prayers in our lives and the lives of others? In recognizing these miracles, we grow in our faith and relationship with God. This brings such a joyful, inner presence.

For me, each morning starts with the simple prayer, “Lord let me do your work today.” With that said, I usually don’t get to see what I view as a “big miracle” like the healing in today’s reading. I just believe that God has me where he needs me to be – not for me – but for someone else and for Him.

Recently, though, I was able to recognize this in a full circle moment. One of my sons texted me that his friend sent him a message asking if our family could sit with him and his mom again this semester at the Parents’ Weekend dinner. The friend went on to write that at last semester’s dinner, he and his mom were alone at a table, filled with sadness and loneliness, and were about to head home for the evening. When our family arrived later and sat with them, their night turned around. You see, his dad had recently passed away. He and his mom were both trying so hard to be strong for each other, to have a fun night together, while on the inside they were falling apart. This young man, big and ‘put-together’ on the outside, yet broken and fragile on the inside, had the strength and hope to call out for healing. Not just for himself, but for his mom.

The father in today’s reading called out for his son’s physical healing. The entire household received more than what the father asked for. Jesus provided physical healing to the son and spiritual healing to the household, which brought the miracle of their eternal life.

It’s so important to pause, especially during this Lenten season, to recognize that Jesus experienced these human moments, as well. Moments of sadness, desperation and isolation; while at the same time, moments of faith, of solidarity… and of miracles. I pray that the miracles of His grace and love draw us closer to each other and closer to Him.

Author: Claire Moore, Community Service Department



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