The Name of God is Mercy

Merciful is one of Pope Francis’ favorite word to describe God. But does it describe me or not? That is the question Jesus asks in the opening words of today’s Gospel: “Be merciful as your Father is merciful.” Jesus makes two statements in that short quote. First Jesus declares that God is merciful. Then he asks us to reflect on God’s mercy by asking whether we follow God’s example of mercy.

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus paints a striking image of God as compassionate and merciful in the figure of a father who welcomes his rebellious son home. Are we to become the father in the story of the Prodigal Son? Jesus tells us to love others as God loves us. Jesus presents us with a striking and challenging call.

Jesus’ call to us is demanding, but in this Gospel reading Jesus highlights the blessings bestowed when we answer his call. If we listen to Jesus by being compassionate and merciful to others, as God is, we will be rewarded: “a good measure… will be poured into your lap.” People often search for this good measure, what might be labeled as fulfillment. Jesus declares that it is not those who seek this good measure directly who find it; rather, it comes to those who strive to give generously of themselves, as God has given to us, who finds this good measure.

The Gospel calls for generosity in our relationship with others. Not just material generosity but generosity in love, in understanding, in tolerance and acceptance, in compassion and forgiveness. The more generous we are with others, the more we will receive in return. God’s compassion is all-embracing. His love reaches out to all without any distinction between saint and sinner. God’s compassion and mercy are extended to all. Jesus calls us all to follow God’s example of mercy.

Author: Jose Aquino, Theology Department Chair


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