
As long as I can remember, my husband has called me the Freedom Fighter. Maybe it is because I don’t like to see injustices or simply because I follow the rules (mostly) and I expect everyone else to do the same. In the first reading, “But they obeyed not, nor did they pay heed" really struck a chord with me... not that I don’t speed every now and then or go for a refill of Dr. Pepper after I drank my paid for cup but the really BIG things. The “statutes and the Ordinances” are the appeals for order or obedience as the reading says, the 10 commandments are a great example of this authority of both Heaven and Earth and the law of the Lord. No one is above the law of our Lord, be that example to others.

To much is given, much is expected is my silent mantra. We live in a world where it is all about ourselves, when did we stop living by God’s word to take care of those most in need? As children of God we must remember that no one is superior to another. Our responsorial psalm tells us: “If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart." We are all God’s creation. As we continue our Lenten journey, let us take a moment to remember our many blessings and listen/look for examples of how we can reach out to those around us in need no matter how big or how small.

Author: Rebecca Zink, Student Affairs


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