
When reading today’s Gospel reading (Luke 11:14-23) the last word “scatters” really struck me. Working at a Catholic school, I have the privilege of easily bringing my faith into my daily tasks. I am reminded to stop and pray when the daily examen comes over the intercom, I get to regularly engage in spiritual conversations, I have the opportunity to participate in the sacraments just down the hall from my desk – what a blessing! That said, I am constantly baffled that some days I can still feel distant in my relationship with God and it leaves me feeling… well… “scattered.”

The times in my life that I have felt confident, at peace, and joyous have been when I have made my spiritual life my focus and priority, but for some reason I still find myself letting other things get in the way of prayer and the sacraments. Sometimes I make myself feel better by remembering that Mother Teresa herself spent almost 50 years in a spiritual drought.

Knowing that some of the few words we have from Jesus’ time on earth is acknowledging this very struggle comforts me. He knows that if we do not strengthen our armor, we will be defeated. He knows that if we don’t gather with him, we will be left feeling scattered. He knows our humanly ways. He knows our faults and temptations. I now read this passage comforted in the reminder that Jesus understands our imperfections, is always encouraging us to draw closer to him, and never becomes annoyed of our repeated struggles. As long as we are gathering with him, we will not feel scattered.

Author: Katy Wilson, Advancement


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