Be the Light

As I reflect on today’s readings, I see a battle between good and evil. On one side we have Jesus spreading the light and truth of God versus the people who choose to live in darkness. Instead of the evil ones seeking to know about this light and truth they become angry with His teachings. They do not seek to change and become more like Christ; they seek to dispose of this truth because His teachings go against how they are living. 

How often do we get comfortable living a life that appeases us that we sometimes forget who we are called to be as followers of Christ. I know which side I want to be on, but I do not always spread the light of Christ. Anytime I speak unkindly, act selfishly or think an evil thought I am choosing the dark side. 

This lent let us focus on who we are and where we come from. Are we going to stand with the godless people or stand boldly in our faith bringing the light of Jesus to a fallen world. Be the Light!

Author: Laura O'Neal, Counseling Department


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