Let God Prevail

The phrase that caught my attention in today’s reading is: “All those who were my friends are on the watch for any missteps of mine.” The terror of knowing those who are watching want “vengeance him” is probably scary to most anyone who has a group watching everything they do for a consequence so violent. In today’s environment there seems to be more and more of this type of behavior; did we not learn anything from Jesus and his journey? How can what happened to Jesus happen to one of our own today? What will it take for everyone to remember we are all children of God?

A few years ago I found myself in a similar situation. On my way to pick up my son from Jesuit I stopped at a 7-Eleven in Plano off the tollway. As I waited to pay for my bottle of water the man in front of me began degrading the cashiers in a nasty tone. “Hurry up,” he demanded as he snapped his fingers in their faces. It was harsh and I could not believe what was happening.

Immediately, I told the man that he was being rude and to stop. As he turned his head to see who was talking to him, “it was on” as they say. He came at me with his vile words and proceeded to walk out the door calling me nasty names. As I caught my breath I tried to take in what had happened and apologized to the cashiers for his behavior. Then, a lady walked into the store with a bewildered look on her face and told us that the man had yelled some obscenities directed toward her. Now, I am ashamed to say it (Father Wally, If you read this, please forgive me.), but my “Momma Bear” had come out as this man had started yelling at these poor cashiers doing their jobs. I may have yelled and called him a bad name or two. “This stuff happens pretty regularly,” the two gentlemen shared with me. I was shocked. These poor men while simply doing their jobs live knowing that at any time “vengeance” could stumble in the door.

Today’s reading reminded me of what I had witnessed, and I am determined to continue praying for Jesus to change the hearts of people like this man and make them realize the hurt they do. Our time on Earth is limited, so let’s renew our resolve to be part of God’s army of love. Sometimes it is/will be hard, but let's make a conscious effort to rid ourselves of a desire for vengeance. Instead, we can continue asking ourselves, what can we do to be a part of God’s plan?

Author: Rebecca Zink, Student Affairs

(photo cred: Dayne Topkin on Unsplash)


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